Friday, May 13, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday!

eMy dear friends;

Today has been a day of real joy.  As I sit in my living room, I look out on a very dismal street, with wet pavement, and less light, because of the clouds.  I have a problem when it comes to darkness.  I get really depressed.  So why, may you ask, do I live in Oregon?  The weather always brings beauty.  The only time the grass is not a perfect green is in August, due to lack of it during the summer.  I try to look at the joy in everything.

Wednesday is anti-procrastination day.  I did a few things to remedy that.  I did my MR, and finished that in about 45 minutes.  Then I did my Wednesday list that I have for myself.  After finishing my load of laundry, I decided to do the stove, since I didn't do it on Monday.

As you can see, I have a wood covering for part of that.  My father made it out of several pieces of wood.  He also made the wood top to the left.  I will show you at later dates some of his work.  He is very talented.  He is a retired band director and needed something to do with his hands.  He has been doing it about 13 years now, and I am very proud of him.

I then went to the fridge, after a bit of a rest.  It feels good to get things done early so I have the time to do extra.  Anyhow, I did the Zone for today, which was my fridge.  I didn't want to overwhelm myself, so I just did the fridge part.  I will get to the freezer on another date. 

So I keep the candy from Easter in the fridge because we have a terrible ant problem.  I don't know where they come in, they just end up on my counter that I just cleaned.  Any suggestions?

I did my cat's water dish as well.  This cat is very strange.  I had water in a regular dish when we first got him.  He refused to drink out of it, choosing the toilets instead.  I try to keep the lids down, but I live with boys.  Anyhow, I got the flowing water dish from Petco that is continuous flow.  He drank out if it sometimes, still choosing the toilets.  Well, I put it away, not even thinking about a water dish.  He relied only on the toilets for a while.  I got it out last month, and he has been using it since.  Weird.

I did my control journal yesterday, and I wanted to share the photos with you.  I like lists.  I love being able to check them off and see my progress.  I think that helped me out of my depression.  Try it.

I posted a picture of my ugly microwave recently.  Now look;

The power of prayer

This is a story that just floored me.  No one can tell me that prayer does not work.  No one can tell me that science is better than faith and creation.

May God bless you today!


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