Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday!

Today has been a great day! I finished all the laundry, including my sheets. I didn't get them changed Monday, but managed to catch up on things that I missed this week today. I had "help" doing this, as my madcap cat played with the sheets. I also had help dusting today. I think he likes the swiffer duster. I think it helped to get up with ds11 as I took him to school. So before my ds9 got off to the bus, I got the sinks shined, the swish and swipe, 2 loads of laundry folded, and my daily Bible reading done. I was then able to sit back and slowly do the things that I had missed the previous days; mopping the kitchen, the sheets, and some work in the living room. I would watch Glee for a while, and then pause it to go get some other stuff done. So happy that I was able to do that, get my sons' errands ran, and my daily bread scripture read (which does not happen much, due to lack of time) I will do some BBR before I go pick the boys from church. You know, it is nice having it just 4 blocks away! It feels nice to get it done, even though it is O.K to not get it all done if I don't feel like it. In my LR, I got the windows washed on the french doors, and things picked up around the room that was cluttering up the room. And drinking water!

Jesus taken to Heaven

After His death and resurrection, Jesus appeared to the apostles with many convincing proofs that He was indeed alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days. On certain occasions, He commanded them saying, "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my father promised, which you heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit."

Jesus could have appeared to them and then vanished as He had done before (Jn 24:31) but He chose to impress apon His followers the visual ascent, and to imprint the end of his visits in their minds, the end of an era and the beginning of another. He promised them a "helper" that would take the place of His physical body that would go with them wherever they went, the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:16)

I think at times we get so caught up in the physical world we forget about the unseen and the unheard. We expect "proof"; "I know my children have been in my room, the bed is messed up" or "If you loved me you would buy me..." But as Billy Graham put it so well, "Can I see the wind? I can see the effects of the wind, but I cannot see the wind" How can we believe there is wind, or love, for that matter without "physical" evidence? We can also say that about the Holy Spirit. Christ was real; the Bible prophicied, of it in the old testament, and many apostles (some of whom had never met) wrote of the same accounts of Jesus. This is proof He was real and did walk the earth. If this is true, then when He spoke of the Holy Spirit taking His place is true. How wonderful it is to know that with just a simple little prayer we can have that same Holy Spirit in our lived that He spoke of the the men who were closest to Him during the years of His ministry- the very same one! What an awesome thing!

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