Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Moping...

Well, when I got up this morning, I had some sort of issue with my stomach, not to mention I have been feeling like I puff up like a balloon.  I tried not drinking coffee today, but still needed to take an aspirin.  If anyone knows a natural diuretic, please let me know.  As a result, I didn't get very much done.  Ha ha, I was so backward today!  I actually got the daily stuff done, and didn't do any of the Zone 2 work or the MR.  Crazy.  I am going to try to get back tomorrow, but I just didn't feel like doing much.  I feel blessed to have people reading this and commenting.  As I am rushed and not feeling well, this will be short.

I DID however get my control journal done.  I copied off the daily things off of the site, to fit into one page, that meant that I had to cut out things I don't use.  I will put in a picture later, but I did a lot of work.  I was not using a journal before, but using 3x5 cards.  I guess we will see how it works.

So kinda moping today.  Feeling like a failure today.

1 comment:

Val said...

So glad you next days got better. Good for you for getting up and starting the new day!